Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cool Spam!

Don't we all hate spam e-mail? Some of us have set up exclusive e-mail setup as a measure, other's only a filter, and some don't even bother. We used to love logging into our e-mail accounts and finding that we have a new e-mail - I wonder who could it be from - is usually our question in our heads while we have this excited grin on our faces. We used to hate when it was a "Hotmail Service Message" or a "Yahoo! Services message" but we loved to see a name of someone we knew or maybe even a stranger ( a secret admirer? ). We enjoyed every moment of e-mail. Time passed and one day we checked our mail to find we had 5 new messages... when we opened them, they were advertisements, later they were fraud (phishing) messages, and now.. we don't care much about e-mail.

As usual I logged into my e-mail and saw that I had 21 new spam messages. I browsed and found an email titled "good-tempered Muhammad". As I am very weary about spam e-mail I rarely ever open them and see the content. But I read the intro in my gmail account, It went something like this, "He certainly went forth, but whether he did any work,any labour, was the question" Obviously I was intruiged! There is definitly a story there.. so I did like any curious person and opened up the e-mail -- there it was, the story of good-tempered Muhammad. Here is the e-mail, if you don't want to read it skip below.

He certainly went forth, but whether he did any work,any labour, was the question, nowadays. Only the poplars queered the dream-like values, dark andsharply outlined by the moon behind them.
He could see the helmets offiremen and hear a hissing sound.
The flamescrackled as he stood there aghast. And with rage in his heart Soames ran again at thewall, and snatched at his other Gauguin.
They lifted till it balanced on the sill. Hewanted her to break down, and he didnt want her to.
Soames, not one whoremembered the old days, and could handle house property as theyused to, then. If ever he had beatenDumetrius, it was over that highly-coloured affair. The room was full of smoke now,and he felt rather giddy. He had a dread of herwandering outside to-night, so near the water.
He leaned forward and touched his chauffeursback. Some people would take that for a banshee, he shouldntwonder!
He certainly went forth, but whether he did any work,any labour, was the question, nowadays. When they got home, how should he bring some life into herface again!
But if hedoes, hes sure to want to see you, even if he cant speak.
Soames stood still; besides the pumping of his heart and lungs hecould hear another sound.
Then, seizing theextinguisher again, he dashed it, knob down, against the floor.
He himself went again to the openwindow, and stood watching the moonlight.
One must admit at least acontinuity of purpose somewhere. Through the open doorway hecould see that they had spread considerably.
Wasthere nothing he could do to divert her attention?
The engines would be twenty minutesat least.
The singing ceased, and Soames again lifted up hischin.
The Monts had been at school there, and Kits namehad been put down automatically. If ever he had beatenDumetrius, it was over that highly-coloured affair.
Obviously bad worded, and hardly makes any sense. There was also an image attatched (which was the original spam message asking to buy stocks etc..). This may be spam, but for me this is the...

...coolest spam ever!


Cuteberry said...

Spam is NEVER cool. Me no likey!

Angelo said...

LOL that IS a cool spam. I wonder why I didn't get it since my inbox is like a spam magnet?

Transparently said...

U no like spam? Spam sad. :(

Ah yes, the good ol days, Spam control for the rescue, I tell ya its a savior!

fallen angel,
I'm not sure why you didn't get it, post your email on a couple of public websites, maybe you'll get it :P