Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Good Morning Sunshine

I gently placed my hand on her soft cheeks as she lay in bed. Her head rested on the pillow. Her eyes wondering in a dreamless sleep. I brushed my thumb gently on her lips. I saw a feint smile. What a morning it is to wake up and admire such a pretty face. She opened her eyes, and the world became alive again. Life filled the room, her blue shiny eyes so mellow yet so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I closed my eyes. I got closer. Good Morning Sunshine...

...She said.


Cuteberry said...

ohhh cute *sigh*

So, what's for breakfast? ;)

Transparently said...

Strawberry cheescake!


Cuteberry said...

Ohhh something sweet to read .. and something sweet to eat! HEAVEN *sigh*.. ABY! :)

Transparently said...

If thats an invitation, I accept.

fire alarm said...

God i miss these beatiful mornings !! Unfortuantly my morning are filled with everything but peace :/

Transparently said...

May your mornings be filled with beautiful things again abdulla. Time tends to repeat itself, hopefully in good time.

Transparently said...

lol. I might one day. Tres bon ici.