Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I have officially moved to my new domain.

Here are the RSS feeds if you'd like quick access:
Atom All Posts:
RSS All Comments:

This blog will remain here, I will not import the posts. There is however a link from my new home to this website, as reference.

Goodbye Blogger, Hello Wordpress.

N. (Transparently)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Moving Soon

I'm moving to my own domain as soon as I get the reply from the web hosting company. It has been two days already. It seems they don't work on weekends (Saturday and Sunday!).

At the most they should reply by tomorrow. If not, I'll have to make a few phone calls.


Transparently, News Updates.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Need more HEROES?

As my current addiction to HEROES keeps growing, I thought I'd share some of the wonderful websites that I have stumbled upon related to this wonderful TV series.

Heroes Animated Novels - Sideline stories from NBC

Heroes TV News - News about the series.

Heroes TV - Another News website (One aint enough..)

Heroes Wiki - Wondeful Wiki with great information. Also contains information regarding published spoilers and what not!

Heroes 360 Experience - Real life Heroes experience (e-mails from the heroes, phone numbers to call, websites to visit, and much more!)

9th Wonders - The Official Unofficial Fan-site for Heroes. By the creator of Heroes!

Countdown to Heroes - Official Heroes MySpace profile.

Obsession? Unlikely.

Monday, April 23, 2007


We just got back from the wonderful presentation at Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiya. There was a brief long introduction of Chopin's music and life followed by a Musical Concert with some of his music. It was beautiful.

I don't understand why some people don't listen. If the presenter says shut your mobiles, then shut them off, or put them on silent. If you are waiting for an emergency call, set it on vibrate!

It turns out Dar have events every monday! We got a copy of their schedule, it seems we'll be visiting them again :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Search for a Song with Your Voice


Search for music by singing or humming part of a song. All you need is a microphone. makes it fun and easy to find and discover music and people. For the first time, you can use your voice to instantly connect to your favorite music, and to a community of people that share your musical interests. Listen to voices, see pictures, rate singers, send messages, buy music, and more.

I haven't tried it, but after seeing the results from my little baby, I'm not surprised this it out already.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Generation 1976-1984

What happened? I was having a conversation with my cousin the other day talking about our generation and what seemed so odd about it. Have you felt it too? I know quite a few people who were born between 1976 and 1984 who feel alienated. There seems to be a common effect on us, was it the invasion in 1990? Or the sudden technology boom? Have we been affected that much?

We seem disconnected from the generations before, and the ones after. I also talk in terms of society and what we experienced while growing up. The shows we watched on TV in our childhood are different from what they see now. The activities were much different. Video games were/are different. There is such a gap that it seems we're so old.. we're not old, it just feels that way.. very much so! Do you feel the same way..

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Transparent: Political Schedule Conflict

So do I go see When The People Spoke 2 at 7:30pm at AUK or should I go to the Article 36 meet up at 7:00pm..

Why did they have to be on the same day.. :/

p.s. btw I don't like the title of this post.. each word is a negative for me..

A Traditional Lunch

The men and women gather in separate rooms (2 living rooms). Sometimes there are servants who present juice or water before the lunch starts. When lunch is ready, the men head there first and eat while the women wait a while. If there is a buffet, the men help themselves then sit on tables or on the ground where a long stretch of carpet is covered with a light plastic sheet. The women soon join in, or wait a while until some of the men have finished.

There is a lot of social activity during eating, a lot of people talk, make jokes and have seconds as well. Usually after the person is done, they thank the hosts for their kindness and wish them well, and proceed to wash up and head back to the living room. Sometimes the women eat alone, and them men alone, or sometimes they eat together but in the end they go back to their designated living rooms.

Usually sweets, desert, coffee and tea are served. Sometimes even, someone passes around offering a perfume; 3oud, mai ward (rose water), and even incense.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Office Place Advice

Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks.

Once everyone has withdrawn from caffeine addiction, switch to espresso.


She stood in the rain next to the lamp post looking at the empty bench. She tipped her umbrella back a little, and looked up at the raindrops rushing past the lamp post. A drop fell on her cheek.. she blinked. She lowered her face and brushed the drop off her cheek. She glanced at the bench, wondering how things have changed so much in only a few months. She felt warm inside, with a smile, she started walking.. where? She didn't quite know, but knew as time passed, she was getting closer to him..

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Geekly Transparent

With respect to my Geekly influence, I have started a new blog by the title of Geekly Transparent. It is extremely technical and not recommended for the faint hearted. If you're interested in following my latest quirks sign up for the Geekly Transparent Post RSS feed. :)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Say Ha'llo to Ma Li'le Friend!

I fell inlove with my w850i as soon as I bought it. However, when I discovered the power of TrackID I felt the connection get stronger. This little baby can name any song thrown at it in less than 1 minute! The usage, the battery power, the Walkman feature, typing on it all is much better than any phone I've had before - and all the phones I had before were Nokia. Ericsson should consider a switch campaign I'm sure they'd get a big piece of the market.

Here's my new favorite song.. Andrea Bocelli - Con Te Partiro :)
Lyrics -

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Change of Mind

When I first got engaged, I had a good idea about what changes I would go through. The most important was the change of mind I'd have when seeing, noticing, and deciding things. Now it seems I'm more home oriented than I've been. If I see an advertisement of a sale, I always ignored them, now I see how that sale would benefit us. Is there something we can get from this store. If I hear about a product, something like a cooking appliance, a home appliance or similar stuff, I would usually ignore it but now, I actually think about her and would it benefit both of us.

I do believe I'm embarking on a very different life. I'm actually more excited than anything else. I suppose the main reason is how wonderful she is.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A day in the life of..

I watched it flip in the air a couple of times. I reached out, only my thumb hit the edge making it reverse and wobble towards my fingers. I missed and was only able to flick it. It swirled in the air, further until I finally lunged at it and thrust my hand grabbing it firmly. I saved my mom's china.

I was never too good with mingling at family gatherings. The main problem was socialising in Arabic rather than English. I always get stuck with the "big" words, and the annoying thing is, I know for a fact they would not understand the English word, let alone me being able to translate it.

After dinner, I did manage to get to talk to my fiance next to the chocolate fountain. We talked, quite a bit, while dipping fruits in yummy melted chocolate - Heavenly I tell ya. I think I might have OD'd on the chocolate because later that night, I was head bangin in my room to Metallica's King Nothing. If you'd like to listen to the song, click below. If not, move along.. no chocolate for you.

Friday, April 06, 2007

One Night Only

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stuff about me

Good Morning all :) It is the weekend, and may your weekends be full of spirit, happiness, safe driving, good food, and great people!

I have been tagged by NonaWz.

Write 10 things that are wierd or little known about yourself.

1. I can perfectly imitate the sound of a water drop.
2. My favorite cake is a super special orange/pineaple cake.
3. I never broke a limb (el7emdellah!)
4. In bed, I have a timed sequence of sleeping position patterns.
5. I own a 71 inch black samurai sword, for display purposes only :p
6. I love action movies, arabic b/w movies, classical music, super heavy metal.
7. I'm rather friendly and normal, once you get to talk to me :p
8. I love to indulge and talk about taboo and extremely intellectual subjects.
9. I've been wearing glasses since I was 8, I started hating lenses recently.
10. Strange is different, different is unique, unique is good.

Who shall I tag?
I don't usually tag ppl, but everyone who's willing to answer this topic is tagged :) Yes, that means all of you.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Type B+

Because of Red Blooded Woman's comment on my last post, I decided to take a tiny personality test. This is what I got,

You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions

Try it out, Do You Have a Type A Personality?

P.S. Funny how my Blood type is also B+ :p


Note: I don't like huge announcements, so you may find news in this post worth an announcement but I still like to leave things subtle. Yes, its been a couple of weeks now, if you were wondering :)

I don't eavesdrop, I try as much as I can to filter whatever sounds and voices I hear and concentrate on the ones in my head, or those of my friends' :p However, a few days ago I sat at the coffee shop enjoying my french coffee and a certain word caught my attention: Honeymoon.

A couple of guys sitting behind me were talking about this subject. One already married and the other recently married and planning for a honeymoon. I thought it was the best opportunity to take notes. I took my mobile out and started noting down places and ideas. Intrusive, it may seem.. none the less, it helped a great deal, what do you think? Was it wrong to listen in for tips? Even though I'm engaged, and not married yet, so far, planning for the honeymoon is one of the most critical task, particularly that needs a lot of resources to plan it well.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Light Hearted

I don't feel like writing, so I'll leave you with a song..

Listen: Guns 'N' Roses - Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan Cover)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Wont do that again

Yes, I plead guilty. I never meant to hurt them. He was sitting on the chair. She was listening to music. I made her irritate him. It back-fired and they had this huge argument! They even broke it off right there. He cried, I felt his pain, I felt so bad about it, I didn't know it would turn out this way. She wrote in her diary, and wet the pages with her tears. Poor Joe and Jane will never be best friend again...

...thank god it was just a tutorial.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

News Feed for the brain

This does not shock me that much, but I was pretty frustrated in trying to generate a feed for the alwatan newspaper website. Since they themselves do not have a feed, I've taken it upon my self to create one for them. So I try and try to "decode" their html.. so i decided to run a validation and see what could be wrong so I'd take it into account. Here is where it really gets interesting..

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Transparent: Web Applications

I usually do not do reviews, but here are a few web applications I think are worth looking at.

* Google Reader: With the same flexibility and power of Gmail, you can now have your own online RSS reader. With a powerful interface and easy to use options and tag features. I liked how dynamic it is, and how easy it is to browse and check for new feed items.

* BackPackit: I've heard of this many times before I decided to use it. Currently the best use I have for it is planning my custom PC. I'm planning to build one from scratch and it is perfect for organizing all the data, links, and information i need for this project.

* Co.mments: I'm not much of a "commenter" type when it comes to blogs, but there are quite a few that I do comment on, and what better way to track replies than this website? You simply click the bookmarklet to track the post, and you are instantly subscribed. You can access your tracking page with a click. But the best feature is the RSS feed for the tracking page. Now I can track new posts and new comments with my (Google) rss reader!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gift in a Dream

I had a dream about her a few moments ago. We were happy in the dream, then she got disappointed because I wanted to call her - she didn't want me to. Somehow later I was just watching her watching her funny cartoon, thinking if this was real or just a dream. I convinced myself it was real.

You know when destiny does not play out like you think it should? The things you go through to stay in one piece, while you drag yourself along to the next step in life? We always seem to get by, somehow, living the next moment, sometimes wishing we could move back, other times wishing we could move forward a bit. In the end, time doesn't wait for anyone, but a dream...

...can be worth years.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Secret: When you believe

It turns out The Secret is not a secret after all. For those of who are dying to know what the secret is, it is the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like, and thus, negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive. The movie (documentary) does a much better job of explaining this concept.

After I saw the movie, a song kept repeating in my head...

...For a friend..

In essence, everything is possible, all you have to do.. believe.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Transparently Assorted

* I hate failed RSS feeds whats up with that?

* The WEB (2.0) has changed for ever. If you're up and current on tech check out this beautiful video below.

* SumbleUpon my new favorite Firefox addon! It is a surfing addon, it recommends websites, images, videos, etc based on your interests and you wouldn't even believe the stuff they got there! Wonderful..

* Coffee, oh how I love thee..

* HEROES: Can't wait for the next episode.. Peter..!

* Aura, Energy, Chi, Ki, Chakara.. do you believe in it?

* While on StumbleUpon I came accross a lovely website, Imagining the 10th dimention. It is a flash introducing the first chapter of the book, purly amazing!

* Finally, yes I was away for quite a while because I was over whelmed at work, I was working on a project and sometimes I get addicted to my work, especially if it is interesting enough.. and I only blog/check blogs from work.. :P

* Regards to you all, missed ya!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Moment of Cuteness

Do you usually go "awww" when you see a kid do something very cute? Do you like kids? Okay, I just dropped by this website and for those of you who enjoy this, should drop by and read what kids' ideas of a perfect pet is! This is my favorite so far, "cat with super pouers" — Sabrina, 8


Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Man and a Woman

I couldn't take it off my mind. A scene in a Samurai series (for those of you who are familar with Anime, i'm refering to the Kenshin OVA) where a Master of a clan who asks a woman to be the assassin's sheath. A sword needs a sheath, but a man? This Samurai was implying that a woman can and should hold her man, and not let him destroy himself. We all have views on how relationships should be; there are those who prefer the traditional man working and woman at home combination, others prefer an equal shared relation, and some other types which I cannot think of at the moment. I love the concept of a woman being a man's sheath, beautiful concept.

Do you want to know what happened to the Assassin (Kenshin) in the series? (Spoiler incoming if you are planning to watch it..) He and the Woman fell inlove. What he didn't know was that she was seeking revenge secretly for her dead fiance, a guard he had killed previously. After months together, in a murderous plot by her people they lead him to believe that she was a traitor. He persued her, broken, and confused.. He ended up killing her mistakenly. Sad ending, but very beautiful story.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.

Happy Valentine..
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. ~Plato

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Invention: Laser Slapper®

The name is a little lame, but wait till you hear the concept! Due to my continued success with my previous inventions such as the Pushcar Slapper® and the ever so famous Windshield Slapper® (with sales over 1,000,000 and still selling as gold.) I will be introducing the new Laser Slapper® in the "Enhance your driving with the Slapper® series products".

This new Laser Slapper® is a 1m space craft hovering 25 feet above your car. It will instantly blast any vehicle that will swerve onto your lane causing your blood pressure to jump. It will burn those cars which come up behind your car so close that you can almost slow down, but cant because if you do, the inevitable accident would happen. This Laser Slapper® will keep all other vehicles on the road in line by disintegrating those who drive in two lanes, and those who *ping-pong*, as i like to call it, between lanes. This and much more to come! Order your new Laser Slapper now, it comes free of charge, because if you don't drive properly as well, it will hunt you and burn you down.

Thank you for listening.

Over and out.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Relax and Let go

Good Morning!
Haven't you sensed it too? The amount of stress that is going around is incredible; at home, in programs, in the street, in malls, in restaurants, at work, at school, online! Yes, my dear friends, these are all but stress inducing stress makers, err.

What to do when you're stressed? Take a small break, a deep breath, and clear your mind for a few minutes. If that doesn't work, take a little nap :P This is my good-willed gift to all of you since it is my birthday today i'm feeling pretty peachy.

Transparentation #4: Pink and Orange, how will they taste if you close your eyes?

Always remember that there are always things to come, relax and let go, go get a massage if it helps, either way..

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Hows does an introvert end up in a crowd?

Being one, I've been in my share of good and bad crowds, but we.. of this type might have a hard time coping constantly with these situations, we tend to lean toward solitude and eccentric moments, and those friends we have we keep them very close and are very intimate.. wouldn't you agree?

If you consider yourself an introvert, how do you deal with it, and what do you do to be more open.. ?

How can you.. all you can be.
(Pardon the cliche..)

Thursday, January 25, 2007


You can call a cat, a fish, it still will not swim..