Sunday, April 01, 2007


Note: I don't like huge announcements, so you may find news in this post worth an announcement but I still like to leave things subtle. Yes, its been a couple of weeks now, if you were wondering :)

I don't eavesdrop, I try as much as I can to filter whatever sounds and voices I hear and concentrate on the ones in my head, or those of my friends' :p However, a few days ago I sat at the coffee shop enjoying my french coffee and a certain word caught my attention: Honeymoon.

A couple of guys sitting behind me were talking about this subject. One already married and the other recently married and planning for a honeymoon. I thought it was the best opportunity to take notes. I took my mobile out and started noting down places and ideas. Intrusive, it may seem.. none the less, it helped a great deal, what do you think? Was it wrong to listen in for tips? Even though I'm engaged, and not married yet, so far, planning for the honeymoon is one of the most critical task, particularly that needs a lot of resources to plan it well.


Transparently said...

She's a little pre-occupied with preparing for the wedding, I on the other hand have a bit more time on my hands. I agree though, You are wise, oh wise one :)

Red Blooded Woman said...

I don't believe you were technically eavesdropping.. plus honestly in kuwait ppl set themselves up for it by speaking so loudly. Either that or we have VERT A-type personalities back home. Honeymoon ideas? Here's the most important step... shower her with undying love and affection.. and dont quit when you get back :P

Transparently said...

Type-A for those that don't know is "a set of characteristics that includes being impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about one's status, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation." totally not good :p They weren't too loud, they were within 1m of me, so they were in very close proximity (yeah, tight coffee seats :p) But as to the honeymoon suggestion, that goes without saying :p Thanks!

Delicately Realistic said...

*Whispers very subtly*

Mabrook sweetie ;*

Transparently said...

Delicately Realistic,
Thank you :))

Baroque said...

awwwwww so u're taken ;p
allah iywafgik inshallah!

Transparently said...

Allah ebarek eb 7ayatich, thanks a lot :D