Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stuff about me

Good Morning all :) It is the weekend, and may your weekends be full of spirit, happiness, safe driving, good food, and great people!

I have been tagged by NonaWz.

Write 10 things that are wierd or little known about yourself.

1. I can perfectly imitate the sound of a water drop.
2. My favorite cake is a super special orange/pineaple cake.
3. I never broke a limb (el7emdellah!)
4. In bed, I have a timed sequence of sleeping position patterns.
5. I own a 71 inch black samurai sword, for display purposes only :p
6. I love action movies, arabic b/w movies, classical music, super heavy metal.
7. I'm rather friendly and normal, once you get to talk to me :p
8. I love to indulge and talk about taboo and extremely intellectual subjects.
9. I've been wearing glasses since I was 8, I started hating lenses recently.
10. Strange is different, different is unique, unique is good.

Who shall I tag?
I don't usually tag ppl, but everyone who's willing to answer this topic is tagged :) Yes, that means all of you.


MishMisha said...

3. me too.. thank god, bes don't you get curious of how it feels?? or is it just me? :/
9. i've been wearing glasses for the past year. and i hate it!! i'm used to not wearing glasses. and i forget them all the time.. yeah i'm in dying need of contacts

Anonymous said...

timed sequence of sleeping positions LOOOOL :) :) :)

Transparently said...

Never really wondered how it feels :/ I bet it just hurts a lot! Btw, try lasik, I'm considering it..

Its true, quite the pattern too :P nothing weird just side/arm flippin. :p

Anonymous said...

1) How long did it take you to do that ;)
2) i don't like fruits in my cake :/
3) 7imdilla..yet, can't say the same for me :(
4) LOOOL!! timed sequence!?
5) Living your Kevin Costner "Bodygueard" era? :p..hehe
6) Metallica Rocks!
7) Ya3ne, before they get to talk to u your unfriendly and not normal :p Whats up with that
8) My kind of topics!
9) Lasik ?
10) It should be "Unique is Strange" ;)

MishMisha said...

dude my mom won't even let me wear contacts. you want her to let me get lasik surgery? you think she'd go with that? :P

Peony said...

i love old arabic b&w movies as well !

Chica Bonita Q8 said...

I agree with what you said, Change can be a good thing :)

Transparently said...

1- Less than a day, its an art :p
4- Yep! I didn't time it, but i tend to look at the watch pretty often :p turns out it is sequenced lol.
5- woah, thats old, but not really, more like livin the Tokugawa in Japan :p
6- They sure do, their latest album pretty much sucked though.
7- Its the wildlife we call humanity:p
9- Enshalla

whoops, guess that wont work out for you huh, well maybe in a couple more years then :p

They're great aren't they? I hate the new ones :/

Chica Bonita Q8,
In the right direction of course :)

eshda3wa said...

a water drop?
love to hear that
3 me either
although when i was a kid i used to think it was the coolest think in the world

liked ur list

Anonymous said...

I can imitate the sound of a waterdrop too

Transparently said...

It isn't too complicated, involves flicking your cheek somehow, someone's gotta show you. Yeah when we're kids, we love casts, mainly cause of all the scribbling and writing.

The person who taught me could do a high pitched one too, I couldn't do it.

I just checked it out, hmm.. yes those things are quite weird :p 1,2,3 I understand. 4, I love. 5, strange I think it has to do with you feeling blood pulsing when you're nervous in your palms, right? Weird but cool i admit :p and 6, is probably a super-hero thing :p